Tag Archives: travel

Lessons from Colombia

30 Dec
Sound track included. Press play on the vid to start the cumbia and check out my trip.
        1. Bogotá
        2. Ondrae
          SFO – BOG (@ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) w/ 139 others) 4sq.com/ShRLcd
        3. hackyourcity
          Bogota also has a sprawling Bus Rapid transit system. The @TransMilenio has triple-articulated busses, dedicated lanes, and is crazy packed.
        4. Bike lanes on all the sidewalks. You have to ride reaaaal slow though. Most accidents are from people walking in front of bikes. Not sure if I like it.
        5. La Ciclovia! I wrote about this back when. Got to check it off the bucket list.
        6. hackyourcity
          Every Sunday, for fourty years, Bogota shuts down most of major roads for families to bike, skate, dance, and run. Its the @ciclorecreovia
        7. hackyourcity
          Bogota’s Ciclovia was hugely influential in the United States in recent years as dozens of cities started their own. hackyourcity.com/2010/10/01…
        8. Separated bike lanes in the middle of dedicated bus rapid transit lanes in between a boulevard that’s closed to traffic for the day so families can run and bike together. What’s your city doing?
Tons of families biking, skating, and running.

Tons of families and every block where employees of the Ciclovia directing traffic.

Free Zumba in Parque de Simon Bolivar.

Free Zumba in Parque de Simon Bolivar.

Historic architecture sprinkled all over.

Historic architecture sprinkled all over.

And around every corner were really chill neighborhood parks.

And around every corner were really chill neighborhood parks.

They started making parts of the Ciclovia routes permanent.

They started making parts of the Ciclovia routes permanent.

Got to meet Bogota's most up street artist. He was hired to paint all the dividers on the Ciclovia.He gave me a stash of stickers and posters. Cool guy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/juegasiempre/

Got to meet Bogota’s most up street artist. DJ LU. He was hired to paint all the dividers on the Ciclovia.
He gave me a stash of stickers and posters. Cool guy.

        1. Medellín
        2. hackyourcity
          The second biggest city, Medellin is warm, gorgeous, and full of beautiful folks. It was super dangerous back when, but fun and safe now.
Big Medellin

Big Medellin

Bandeja paisas is a common dish from Medellin, Colombia. The food from that part of the country is what's known around the world as Colombian food.  We got rice, red beans, an egg, platanos, a small arepa, aguacate, hella chicarones, chorizo, and some other meat too.

Bandeja paisas is a common dish from Medellin, Colombia. The food from that part of the country is what’s known around the world as Colombian food.
We got rice, red beans, an egg, platanos, a small arepa, aguacate, hella chicarones, chorizo, and some other meat too.

    1. hackyourcity
      The @MetroMedellin runs fast, clean, and dependable. Packed full of jerseys right after a football game gets out.
    2. Cable Car over Medellín. It’s part of the public transportation, transfer off the trai @ Metro Cable Linea K http://instagr.am/p/SosdzoskXt/
    3. hackyourcity
      Visited the @Rise_group at EAFIT University. Nice campus. Showed them the new new in map making. They taught me cutting edge spatial maths.
    4. hackyourcity
      Had beers with EAFIT people, went to look at the famous Medellin Christmas lights at the river. instagram.com/p/SmrpmWskal/
    5. So, uh, 18 million Christmas lights were just turned on tonight in Medellín. http://instagr.am/p/SmrpmWskal/
    6. Medellín lights up with a different theme every year. This time is Los Arboles. @ Medellín http://instagr.am/p/Smr9Q6Mkas/
    7. They turned the light on a week early because Madonna is playing tonight at the football stadium. http://instagr.am/p/Sms6t_MkbB/
    8. Went to a raw graffiti, bboy battle up in the hillside neighborhoods.
    9. Bboy battle at a street hip-hop fest in Medellín, Colombia. @ Bulevar de Castilla (La 68) http://instagr.am/p/Swr5BPskcy/
    10. The winning piece from the Spray a la Mano battle up in Castilla. #bigupfest @ Bulevar de Castilla (La 68) http://instagr.am/p/SwsT_WMkdI/
    11. Tons of families crowded the street for the battle. Some local famous writers were judging the rookies.
Barefoot Park. You start by taking your shoes off then meander through the bamboo forest.

Barefoot Park. You start by taking your shoes off then meander through the bamboo forest.

Then, eyes closed, you feel your way through the maze.

Then, eyes closed, you feel your way through the maze.

After massaging your feet in the sand, you can wash them off in these sitting pools.

After massaging your feet in the sand, you can wash them off in these sitting pools.

A really tall afro-caribbean guy stepped out of the little door moments later.

A really tall afro-caribbean guy stepped out of the little door moments later.

Sunset on the old colonial wall.

Sunset on the old colonial wall.

Finished my trip in the paradise of Parque Tayrona.

Finished my trip in the paradise of Parque Tayrona.